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Monza Yoga Academy | Monza.IT

Project: Preservation | Parco di Monza

              020 | Building; Survey + Restitution + Restoration   

              030 | Master Planning + Landscape Design


Project Year + Status: 2019. Studio [POLIMI]


Architectural Design: Neslihan KARALOK + Heydar ALIBEYLI

                                     Asif Ali NAS + Ziyaolrahman JAMSHIDZEHI 

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Raffaella BRUMANA        [POLIMI]
                       Assist. Prof. Dr. Alberta CAZZANI [POLIMI]

Due to the subject, Parco di Monza is healed according to the requierements of the current time by considering and analyzing its all changing in time. Brenna Map is presented first. It is followed by designing the master plan. On the project, it is specifically focused to the temple and its environment.

Tempietto Neoclassico di Piermarini is a historical building which is abonded. It is started to work by preparing its survey and restitution projects to see its past and now. Considering the current requirements, it is presented to be used as a Yoga Academy by designing its landscape as well.

The Yoga Academy proposal is based on reusing of the historical temple as a healer place. According to this aim, the main idea is to create a healer landscape by making the temple the heart. The landscape is defined by the flower variation of the specific colors which creates emotional impulses on people.

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