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Zero is a neutral place located at the point 0, 0, 0 of the cartesian coordinate system.
It is such an inspiring point which contains many meanings already inside itself.

A place that means everything and nothing at the same time..

A special location which has the same distance between itself and any possibility, any opportunity, everything..


Through the being neutral of Zero, people who stand at this point, always have the chance to define their own opportunities in the direction of which way they choose. It is a place which is full of opportunities. Here, you have the same distance between you and all possibilities. You have the right of choosing anything you would like to. You are free at the point 0,0,0.


Zero is the silence.

Zero is the beginning.

Zero is round; Zero spins.

Zero is the moon; The sun is Zero.

Zero is white; The desert Zero.

The sky above Zero; The night Zero flows.

The eye Zero. Navel. Mouth. Kiss.

The milk is round. The flower Zero the bird. Silently. Floating.

I eat Zero, I drink Zero, I sleep Zero, I am awake Zero, I love Zero.

Zero is beautiful. Dynamo dynamo dynamo.

The trees in springtime, the snow, fire, water, sea.

Red orange yellow green indigo blue violet Zero. Zero rainbow.






Gold and silver, sound and smoke. Traveling circus Zero.

Zero is the silence.                                                                           

Zero is the beginning.
Zero is round.     
Zero is Zero...

[Heinz Mach, Otto Piene, and Günther Uecker, poem originally published on poster and in leaflet for ZERO – Der neue Idealismus, poetisches Manifest,Galerie Diogenes, Berlin, 1963. Trans. Edouard Derom]

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