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La Nuova Vita di
Andrea Doria | Milano.IT

Project: Hospitality - Youth Dormitory

              020 | Building Design

              030 | Master Planning + Urban Design


Project Year + Status: 2019. Studio [POLIMI] + Conceptualized


Architectural Design: Neslihan KARALOK + Shani LULI + Yunqing CHEN
                                     Madalena NEVES + 
Joao FRAGOSO + Zhadrui FU 


Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Matteo Umberto POLI [POLIMI]

                      Adjunct Prof. Matteo MOSCATELLI  [POLIMI]

                      Adjunct Prof. Mina AKHAVAN           [POLIMI]

It is requested to be designed the specific area in Andrea Doria with its urban. According to that, it is proposed to the neighborhood a youth accommodation which is sustainable by dragging green into the building from the urban.

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